Beautifying Yourself by True Beauty

By Farah Mayu - March 10, 2021

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
In the age of where we can get everything by instant, in this context for beauty, many women know how to make themselves more attractive and beautifying themselves by putting makeup on their faces, focus on their appearance by wearing sort of clothes. And the farthest thing they could do as if they had nothing to do but hopeless was surgery (I wished we were never close to). That's when a woman has been seriously hopeless and forgets about her true beauty, her inner beauty.

Beauty in Islam according to The Qur'an is not only seen by physical appearance and form but rather in the beauty of a woman's character, her attitude, her sincerity, and her morals.

A woman need not feel sorry for their beauty because every woman is pretty and lovely if she has a pleasant moral so. Why do we only consider a good look and physically stunning while our heart is not? We should reconsider it because our appearance will wash out over time by inches besides our inner beauty will stay for decades.

That doesn't mean beauty is negligible.

It said in the hadith:

"Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty." (Muslim)

There is no doubt that in Islam, beauty is a very important characteristic but also a qualify of the body and the heart. In a world where the criteria of beauty seem to change from year to year according to trends and people, nothing like a homecoming. Better to zoom on beauty according to the criteria of Islam.

How to be beautiful and remain to be a Muslim at a time when beauty often rhymes with exhibitionism? Attract the eye, undress, wear a look sometimes a little too-much or in other words inappropriate, is that true beauty?  In Islam, beautifying oneself is not a sin if one does it in art and the way of what is allowed.

Discovering to be beautiful in Islam further...

Physical beauty is the beauty of the body. For the word previously quoted, "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty." (Muslim)

Ibn Qayyim al-jawziya explains, "This hadith encompasses the beauty of clothing, subject of the hadith in question but also encompasses given the general scope of the subject, the beauty of everything." Beauty, the fact of being well prepared is, for the man, a way to thank Allah "for its benefits" according to the sheikh. As proof, we can quote this hadith.

According to Abu al Ahwas Al Juchami (may Allah accept him), "The Prophet saw me dressed in rags and said to me, "Do you possess any property?"

I answered: "Yes"

He said to me: "What kind of good?"

I said to him: "All kind of goods of which Allah has given to me, like camels, sheep so fort and so on.."

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to me: "Make the effect of the blessings and grace of Allah appear on you."

[Ahmad, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nassa-i]

On the other hand...

According to the Encyclopedia by the Arabic Language Council, beauty is defined as elegance, refinement, and gorgeous. Also, some interpret beauty as a beautiful thing that can make someone like and love it.

Beauty is not only given to humans, but to every single thing in this universe from God's amazing creation including animals and plants. Neither do only be given to the universe, it can be given to human nature, morals, and characters as well as good manner.

Highlighted for women, that beauty arises from two elements, namely, physical and spiritual. If so far one's beauty is only judged from its appearance, it means that one's beauty remains incomplete.

Islam is a religion that calls on beauty. Actually, Islam is also taught us to always look beautiful because of Allah. Even so, as mentioned above in order to physical appearance, you should pay attention to body cleanliness, cover yourself properly, and wear modest clothes. Meanwhile, spiritually beautiful refers to good acts of worshipping Allah.

"And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect." (QS. Ar-Rum: 21)

It is also mentioned in the hadith, Ibn Abbas, radiyallahu ‘anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, related from his Lord (glorified and exalted be He):

"Verily, Allah has recorded the good deeds and the evil deeds.” Then he clarified that: “Whosoever intends to do a good deed but does not do it, Allah records it with Himself as a complete good deed; but if he intends it and does it, Allah records it with Himself as ten good deeds, up to seven hundred times, or more than that. But if he intends to do an evil deed and does not do it, Allah records it with Himself as a complete good deed; but if he intends it and does it, Allah records it down as one single evil deed.” (Muslim)

Eventually, when a man wants to propose a Muslim woman, he must prioritize character that comes within her spiritual rather than physical appearance.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, 

"A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be a losers." (Bukhari)

There is nothing in this hadeeth to suggest that it is enjoined or encouraged to marry a woman for her beauty, lineage or wealth. Rather what it means is that these are things that people look for in marriage. Some look for a wife who is beautiful, some look for a wife who is descended from a noble family, some look for a wealthy wife, and some look for a wife who is religiously-committed – and this last is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged when he said: “Seek the one who is religiously-committed, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e., may you prosper).”

Another hadith strengthens either:

"The whole world is a provision, and the best object of benefit of the world is the pious woman." (Muslim)

So, what is the ultimate beauty?

This beauty standard of physical appearance makes us subconsciously deny other sources of beauty that we have, moreover the beauty of soul, of heart and of one's mind.

Regarding to Andrew Ho, she stated that,

"Appearance is important so that a woman looks neat, beautiful and attractive. However, there are other more important of such characteristics like always thinking positively, having love and affection for both oneself and those around you, having spiritual peace to find a new hope, optimism, and true happiness. Beauty that comes from purify of heart and soul is easier to become the center of admiration for people. The more unconditional love you radiate, the higher aura of beauty you will have."

Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam also mentioned the importance of the beauty of the heart in his words. From Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam said, which means:

"Verily Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth but He looks to your heart and to your deeds." (Muslim)

Therefore, Islam views the peak of female beauty as a straightforward to the level of submission to Allah SWT. This is because truth and ideal beauty come from the heart. In fact, this heart will determine the salvation of a servant when facing Allah in the Hereafter.

May Allah give an easiness and His blessings for us. Aamiin.

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