Things That Provide Us Patience When Facing Calamity

By Farah Mayu - November 19, 2021

When hardship came into my life, the first thing that popped out in my mind was 'how do I get the patience to get through this?'

Of course, it is hardly easy and that is the reason Allah (SWT) gives the rewards and raises the one who is patient. However, Allah did mention in the Qur'an that He is alongside the patient ones. 

So, are there any certain things we can do to facilitate patience into the calamity?

Yes, absolutely just like Allah (SWT) put you on a trial, He gives you the tools to push through it.

1. Pray while crying and communicating your feelings

At this exact moment, our hearts are broken and we can barely do anything although please never stop praying. We find ourselves crying our hearts out in each sujood. That's fine, we need this. Making abundant of Duas while crying and begging Allah to mend the cracked pieces of our hearts.

I know we always have a chance to talk with someone whom we trust, let our feelings out so we allow the healing process to take place. However, have you ever thought that the best one who we can trust and rely on is only Allah? Yes, rely on and depend on ourselves only to Him. Do not stop each dropped tear because they literally release the sadness intensity. 

Regarding the studies, tears detoxify the body, release the accumulated negative emotions, and elevate one's mood. No wonder we often feel much better after bawling our eyes out!

In addition, if you still need someone to talk with then talk to someone you trust. It's okay to share it with someone whom you totally trust. It's okay bro. We are human beings and it's normal.

2. Make LOTS OF Dua

Dua along with Salah (Prayer) is a miraculous means to wipe away our unbearable sadness and hardship. Close our eyes and visualise our pain melts away each Dua. Remember you are talking to Allah who controls all our affairs and can overturn your heart as He wills.

Ask Him to strengthen our hearts just like he did to the mother of Prophet Musa (PBUH) when she was giving away her son to the river.

"And the heart of Moses's mother ached so much that she almost gave away his identity, had We not reassured her heart in order for her to have faith in Allah's promise." (Al-Qasas:10)

3. Reflect on the stories of patience in the Qur'an

Usually, shared experiences remind us we are not alone in this and that provides great comfort.

Therefore, the multiple stories of the prophets and other righteous people are not there only for entertainment. Each story engraves a lesson in our hearts to face life's challenges with the right mindsets.

They are there to remind us of times when things were unbearable for them (PBUT), and yet they overcame each hurdle with sturdy hearts filled with Iman, Subhanallah.

4. The Dua of hardships

Something we often tend to forget is making the Dua that Umm Salamah recited when she lost her husband Abu Salamah (May Allah be pleased with them both).

Reciting this Dua is wonderful on so many levels. To begin with you are practicing patience as soon as the calamity hits and Allah (SWT) will replace your sorrow with something that will please you insha'Allah.

Umm Salamat (May Allah be pleased with her reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) saying, "When a person suffers from a calamity and utters: 'Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Allahumma ujurni fi musibati, wakhluf li khairan minha (We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. O Allah! Compensate me in my affliction, recompense my loss and give me something better in exchange for it), then Allah surely compensates him with reward and better substitute." Umm Salah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: When Abu Salamah (May Allah be please with him) died, I repeated the same supplication as the Messenger of Allah (SAW) had commanded me (to do). So Allah bestowed upon me a better substitute than him (I was married to Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (SAW)). [Muslim] (Riyad as-Salihin 921)

5. Stay hopeful and have a support system

Know that every hardship comes with ease. That is not my promise nor any human being, it is Allah's! Have positive expectations and thoughts upon Allah and be patient with an optimistic approach that this trial shall pass.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him as saying that Allah thus stated: I live in the thought of My servant as he thinks of Me and with him as he calls Me. (Muslim)

In addition, surround ourselves with people who genuinely care about us. When we are alone our thoughts start cramming into our minds overwhelming us with even more sadness because having the right people around us will take our minds off of things even for a wee bit. 

Moreover, you will learn something that most probably is going to help you in your life and ultimately make you more resilient.

Failures, losses, made me stronger every single day. Having a failure does not mean we suck, it is part of life process.


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