Who Am I

By Farah Mayu - July 24, 2020

What is the first thought coming across your mind after reading this sentence? What is the first possible answer which describes yourself really well could give to me? Does it quite bother you to jump from one memory to other memory by recollecting the reasonable mind as much as it is affordable enough to pay me the answer while your brain cells work harder to open your documents inside the chest of drawers or might be seeing into your brain book-shelf for only gathering the answer? (Imagining the hectic illustration brain moment of SpongeBob. One of the good hella episode). 

Okay, sorry. I will stop pointing and forcing you to answer this “wondering” question. 

Do repetition of its again, let’s move on to my point of view. 

Who am I?

A question so simple, yet will take me my whole life to answer. It is something so scary and fragile. I say fragile because the tiniest choice you make will help define who you are later. Life is about decisions. Every day you decide what time you wake up, what you eat, how you live. 

Who am I? It’s a simple question but when it asks me, it changes quite sure befuddling me not knowing what to say. Likewise, some folks say I am beautiful, intelligent, smart, diligent, friendly, kind and so on while the others are going to say I am ugly dork, arrogant, extravagant, realist, perfectionist, clumsy, dismissive, lazy, etcetera. Is that the meaning of “I”? 

All this time what I've been thinking is "me," it's just an attribute that people put in me. Rene Descartes said "I think, therefore I am", but now I know "I am there because they" (both my parents) and I am there for them." So, my "me" here is an extension for my parents, but it's not "me." it's just me. And who am I?

The famous French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes (1596-1650), known as the Father of Modern Philosophy, declared "I think therefore I am." Much of his work attempted to defy skepticism, a prominent ideology for the French intellectuals of the day. In addition, much of his philosophical thinking leads him to speculate about the connection between the mind and the body, which is what this quote focuses upon.

What does "I think; therefore, I am" mean?

I read one of Ivan Lim’s article, in his understanding; Descartes was trying to express his realization that his body is not - him, the self-identity the ego or ‘I’ or the mind. (pick accordingly to your preference)

For instance,

As we most of us ordinary folks usually say, I am hungry, I am tired. I am weak.

The rationale statement would be: My body is hungry. My body is tired. My body is weak.

I believe Descartes realized the falseness of the body and physical reality.

Otherwise, he would not be qualified to make such a statement.

Additionally, ordinary folks like us, who have not come to this realization but claim to. Is actually self-deceiving. Why?

You might be curious about what happens after one attains such a realization?

He will, as we ordinary folks do, experience physical sensations as long as his body has not ceased.

The difference is that he would never be affected by the phenomenon of physical reality. If he broke his arm, he will feel pain because he still possesses the body. But that pain will not induce sadness or loss or anger because he has realized, it is just a delusion. This understanding of the truth has broken the chain to sufferings of the physical body.

Well interesting, Ivan said that yesterday he asked his sister…” why are you looking so sad"

She replied, “hey brother, I am sick'

Ivan corrected her ‘you are not sick; YOUR body is sick. ‘

As these words enter her thought-train. She understood that and for that moment detach her ego (the self-identity) from her body. In this context, His sister’s delusion that the body is in fact ‘herself’ has caused suffering in her own mind. But as ordinary humans, we have too many cognitive behaviors and habits we are unaware of. And we soon fall back to…….’’ hey I’m so hungry…’’’


However, if we are honest about it, it is also true to say that our thoughts surprise us! Are we really the thinkers of our thoughts? Or, are ‘we’ a product of ‘our’ thoughts?

We do not know what thoughts we will be thinking ten seconds from now. We might think we do; we might say we’re going to think about a cat 10 seconds from now and then proceed to do so, but other thoughts will occur that we did not intend.

And … why did we choose cat in the first place? Why did we not choose … amoeba?

We don’t know.

We can’t really say why we think certain thoughts but not others. Many factors are at play.

It may well be the case that the idea that we are ‘the thinker’ of our thoughts is an illusion created by our brain.

All that we are really certain of is that thoughts occur.

Thoughts occur, and we can be mindful of that fact.

Thoughts occur. Therefore, being thinks.

So, how do I describe my own self?

My name is Farah Mayu, a Diploma English program student at Jenderal Soedirman University, on progress for being an adult ha-ha. Am I adult enough, huh? Of course not. I am the eldest daughter of my awesome mom and dad and have one brother who has 7 years younger than me. I have been lived on earth since the end of the 20th century. I have such a low price humor. I mean, can easily laugh by small thing either. 

Many interests that I am having. The top priority is reading. I do not know how to describe my feeling of reading. Things catch my breath away until I do to focus reflection in front of my eyes is a bunch of paragraphs; whatever it could be; book, kindle, e-book, article, journal, novel, so on. To be honest I neither do know what else I can do besides reading. Seriously spend my whole leisure time on this one. I love some unique and creative pieces of stuff. I'm a creative person who does things, and I like to improvise in my own way. I like to try new things because I'm easily bored with a thing. I love animals, especially cats and maybe sugar glider (thanks to my friend who’s ever showed me this lil’ cute soft nocturnal with a big pair of deep-set-black eyes animal). Somehow, I have an adequate drawing ability too. Figured it out a while ago.

What else describes me? hmmm…

Okay, I like kids. They’re the most honest creatures on the earth although still worrying about holding a baby. The feeling of scared cracking their bones is excruciating me. Seriously, I’m no kidding despite not saying I hate a baby, just not really comfortable with them. Indeed, a lack of experience. Loving kids make me having an interest in teaching. Yepp, love to share with others is also another reason. Since I learn English and have an adequate ability on its, sooo there’s not any chance for stopping me. Anyway, I cannot do math or exact things ha-ha. Last time I handed me math was 2 years ago, probably when I had to face SBMPTN and UM. Great, just human with no interest in math is me. However, give me another chance to relearn about math and everything can be solved. Though, We, humans, can do whatever we want as far as we seek how to learn new things. So, please keep learning and thinking. That’s what I always do. Learning.

One of my favorite quotes;

I don’t love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful – Natalie Portman
I like to being involved in the organization for keeping me stay socialize both new friends and new experiences. Being a member of the Pengmas Ministry (Pengabdian Masyarakat) BEM University was such a great experience. 

One of our projects, Unsoed Mengajar ( I was not in the frame). A man with a big grin smile was Kak Ariq, he was our beloved Menteri Pengmas. A woman whose hands gripped the paper which flipped and covered half of her face was Kak suneo. A woman who wore a gray veil was Teh Rizka and a small man whose face cut was Dandi. The rest of the kids were students from SD Watujaran. Sorry I couldn't remember the specific address.

I could not forget how memorable it was. Through the deepest my gut-feeling, if I had had another choice to be chosen, I would have stayed with Pengmas as long as I could. But yeah, years have over stewardship was also gave way to new ones. Pengmas was my second family. I really really really love being together with all of them. Many good things and an amazingly rewarding lesson through there. Why would I say these? Cause I have been spent at least 1,5 years with them. And it was uneasy for me to leave without felt terribly sad.

Okay, what next? Ahha! I love Ayam Geprek especially from Dirty Chick (name of the restaurant). This was my abso-fuckingly favorite geprek. Guessed, I spent my almost 24/7 to eat there. Yapp, like every freaking chance I got, I was going to be there. Making me awarded by some friends as the Ambassador of Dirty Chick. Haha. Such a funny. Yeah, it was past. Not again. Since now I am regularly doing a healthy lifestyle so I have to avoid it. 

I am the one who has a ton of dreams. I was completely obsessed with studying International Relations at The University of *teeeeet* (won't tell ya what it was), and yet here I am, in English Diploma. It's okay, I feel comfortable here anyway.

I have a lot of curiosity about something that is hard to be explained but interesting when it’s understood; like linguistic, sociology, psychology; including personality, human behavior, human minds, and so on; I do curious about philosophy but it never comes to be an easy one; next is public health although my brain never catches the whole study materials. Too complicated, I guess. That’s why I have always been respectful of those people whose occupations in health care. Hey, it doesn’t mean I am not giving attention to others. I do.

“Giving the needy first before you”

“No matter what, help others.”

“Learn smart, not how to be smart.”

“Buy for the affordable ones.”

“Be generous. Don't be stingy, let alone money.”

“I am worth for a living. So, do not lose hope. God never leaves my side.”

“God knows what I need, not what I want. And He knows what is in every heart” [67:13]

What comes around, what goes around. What I do now, that's what I get in the future. I do evil, I will be maltreated as well. I do good, I'll be treated well too.

Small pieces of my principles.

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